Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Hello Havana

Twenty one of us along with our Friendly Planet representative, Amanda, fly into Havana.  We were all prepared for an entry experience that was a bit - shall I say "charismatic? We were pleasantly surprised when everything went smoothly.  We got our baggage in record time, made it through their customs check and out the door into a sea of excited faces of Cuban Nationals  - waiting to greet family and friends.

Once we were on our bus, I pulled out my camera and started taking photos through the window (so expect to see strange reflections occasionally).  I thought about asking the driver to stop every few minutes, but decided that most of my travel partners would be tired of my "picture taking" soon enough - no point in developing any problems the first day of the tour.

Dratted html - I can't figure out how to center the video at the end of this page :(    Enjoy!

Hundreds of classic cars that scoot hurriedly from place to place around the city. 
Marble and plaster columns  surround the store fronts -providing shade and shelter for people going about their daily tasks. Telephone wire strung along the font of the building and across the busy streets - hummm -dialup internet?
Like many commercial building in the center of town  - a bit tattered and worn, but still beautiful.

A visit to  El Castillio De Los Tres Reyes Del Morro
with it's fabulous view of the Port of Havana and El Malecón behind us.

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